When carnival comes to mind the world thinks of Brazil. Rio’s carnival attracts gallons of people from around the globe to this annual festival. Gallons as in up to 500,000 visitors. It is a world renowned event. The essence of carnival in Brazil passed through many transformations until it settled on the grand event familiar to us all. From water fights to exclusive organized balls to later the formation of the street parade carnival has been through a few changing faces. Yet what always remained was the highly contagious Brazilian spirit. Samba rules carnival in Brazil. The tradition of samba was brought to Brazil by West Africans during slavery. Samba schools practice up until the parade where they will perform and compete for top honors. The Samba Parade is an extravagant tour de force event, the gargantuan floats and intricately detailed and designed samba costumes will are a sight to see. And to see the samba in action, to watch as beautifully decorated women maneuver a mile a minute with smiles that alight their faces – it is an arresting sight. The Rio Samba Parade is like no other.

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