MassKara Festival | PHILIPPINES

MassKara is a play on words, maskara is Filipino for “mask”, while “cara” refers to the face. Thus MassKara figuratively refers to a celebration, a carnival of masked faces!

Bacolod City where Masskara is held is famously known as the City of Smiles. Though during the 1980s an economic drop in sugar cane prices threatened not only the country’s sugar capital, Barclod City, but the livelihood and happiness of the people. The solution to uplift the populace’s crumbling spirits during this tough economic time? The creation of the MassKara Festival! It began as an opportunity to rise above the low times that surrounded Barclod City. And today remains a joyous and colorful occasion. With the added sentiment that together, the people of Barclod can overcome the tough and dreary with a lot of color, smiles, and unity.

The highlight of the many available festival celebrations is the street parade. Every which way you turn masks painted with permanent friendly smiles surround you. The costumes and headdresses of the dancers impress. The vibrant fabrics, gilded beads, and feathered headpieces nearly mirror the beauty of Barclod’s residents. The Electric MassKara is also another popular event during this colorful extravaganza. The floats and costumes displayed and admired during the street parade take to the streets again. However, the Electric MassKara takes place at nightfall and all of the brilliant floats and detailed costumes are lined with lights. Thousands line the streets for this favored event! Competitions during the street parade, Electric Masskara and Queen of MassKara take place throughout the festival. Words and picture cannot give enough justice to the beauty and geniality of MassKara. Barclod City, The City of Smiles, comes alight every year during MassKara. You’ve got to experience it for yourself!

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