Carnaval de Mulhouse | FRANCE

Participants from all over France, Germany and Switzerland are eager each year to attend
Mulhouse Carnaval. This winter carnival is a Fasnacht-style celebration. Fasnacht come from the German words, ‘faster’ to fast and ‘nacht’ night. Fasnacht celebrations are held on the eve of the Lenten season. These Fasnacht festivities are popular in Southern Germany, Austria, and Northern Switzerland. This explains why Germans and the Swiss flock to Mulhouse Carnaval! Community workshops and activities are held throughout Mulhouse Carnaval. Mask masking and face painting being the favorites. Art is a prominent feature of Mulhouse Carnaval. Participants in the parade don creative and whimsical costumes. A popular theme is of the grotesque. Witches, demons, animals, jokers are popular and often seen. Large sculpted papier mache heads are also largely famous. There is a children’s parade which is light on the absurd characters and more family friendly. During the Great International Parade fun, ugly and odd fill the streets. Participants are also seen with faces painted and instruments in hand playing music. Mulhouse Carnival is all about fun, frivolity, art, and a little insanity.


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