Like any Lenten celebration, Cadiz Carnival is a celebration of life and consumption of pleasure
and excess. Cadiz Carnival is known for its satirical content. Comparsas are the musical singing groups that traverse through Cadiz’s neighborhoods performing satirical and witty songs for the public. The song material is often gathered from local news, politics, and everyday scandals. The chirigotas and choirs are also important features of Cadiz Carnival. The chirigotas are singing groups, though these groups often inject humor into their material. The chirigotas also wear matching costumes for an added humor effect. The choirs are large singing groups that travel to perform via wagons or vehicles. The choirs are accompanied by instruments and usually dress to impress in flashy attire.
It’s not just these singing groups that hold all the fun. Everyone is welcome and usually takes
part in the Gran Cabalgata and the Cabalgata del Humor, the grand parade and humor parade. You’ll be hard pressed to find much extravagantly revealing costumes as seen in Rio. Cadiz offer a humorous carnival where participants dress in creative and clever costumes following the satirical theme. Celebrations end with the Burial of the Sardine. The parade procession turns into a funeral procession as mourners cry for their end of carnival and fishy friend. If you’re willing to explore an alternate world of whimsy and funerals held for a fish – Cadiz Carnival is for you.