It is the Caretos of Podence that draw in the crowds during Podence Carnaval. These disruptive spirits are the main feature of Podence Carnaval. These diabolical characters are men swathed in fringed costumed jumpsuits of red, yellow, and green and wooden masks. Usually armed with sticks these wickedly fun Caretos run through Podence Carnaval searching for women to rattle their senses, shake them up a bit. The Caretos move in stealth when they find their prey the launch an attack. Scooping the women up and shaking moving his hips so the rattles around the Caretos wait makes the call of capture. These vulgar characters harken back to the carnal nature of the origins of carnival. Where celebrators gorged themselves on food, drinks, and pleasure before the Lenten season. Don’t be frightened of the Caretos or Podence Carnaval, it’s all in good fun! The Caretos have become a protected cultural tradition in Podence insuring that these special characters will always have a place in this little Portuguese town’s carnival celebrations. Though one should go to Podence and judge for themselves whether the Caretos should be feared or revered.