Colombia Barranquilla Carnival

Indigenous and African cultures are celebrated during Barranquilla Carnival. Barranquilla
Carnival calls itself the second largest in the world after Rio. That’s quite some boasting. Can
they back it up? The newly crowned carnival queen leads the parade procession at the Batalla de las Flores. While on her special float she throws flowers to the audience. Following her is her royal court – a crew of princes and princes dancing to the cheers of the crowd. The Grand Parade features a wide assortment of music to please excited performers. Beauty is on full display. Cumbia is also celebrated and shown off – the dance and music. Cumbia dance groups perform skillfully in front of judges as the procession eases on in the closing of the day. With every great adventure comes the remorse that it is over – Joselito’s Funeral – the closing event of Colombia’s Carnival is the answer to this. Carnival mourners dress in outrageous funeral attire some in face paint and dance the streets one final time. Poor Joselito it is said drank himself to death, a Tuesday, his only day off. Joselito represents the fervor of joy and happiness that overtakes us all during carnival. But it must come to an end only for it to return the falling year.

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