Torres Verdas Carnival | PORTUGAL

Proudly calling themselves “Portugal’s most Portuguese carnival,” Torres Verdas Carnival is
rooted in tradition and culture. The origins of carnival in Torres Verdas featured masked balls
and dances. After these formal parties, participants drunk off the celebrations would walk the streets disguised in their masks entertaining the locals. This drunken, uninhibited street gathering would later turn into the large costumed street celebration of Torres Verdas Carnival.

It was with the introduction of the street parade that Torres Verdas’s famous allegorical floats
arrived. Early processions included a king and queen and their royal guard. Matrafonas or men
dressed as women and the battle of the flowers were key features that are represented in modern Torres Verdas Carnival. Allegorical floats satirizing politicians and local celebrities are a big draw to Torres Verdas Carnival. Parody and laughs are in abundance in Torres Verdas. The Matrafonas get stares and jeers. It is said these Matrafonas were men who could not afford costumes or masks for the carnival celebrations. Instead they took women clothing and adopted the look of the “naughty” women they’ve met. The cabeçudos, like the floats and Matrafonas are another iconic feature of Torres Verdas Carnival. Cabeçudos are obnoxiously big heads. These giant sculptured headpieces create an odd look – an average build with an abnormally large head. Take to the streets and party as the locals do all to the soundtrack of traditional drumming groups, Zés Pereiras that are seen throughout the parade. Though it is a sight you’ll get used to, though never cease to admire. Torres Verdas Carnival is a circus like celebration that will attract your eye and stimulate your imagination.

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